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New York Stories

New York Stories
average rating is null out of 5, based on 0 votes, Readers


Yurie Kiri


Science Fiction

Yurie Kiri


virtual reality, paranormal, Post-Apocalyptic

Book Description

Winner of "Unpublished" fiction category in 2022 New England Book Festival.

Chick Lit Cafe awarded first place for best Science Fiction & Post-Apocalyptic Novel

CLC Book Excellence Award Winner!


What it's not...

This is not a cute travelogue or a guide book to my favorite NYC bars and restaurants nor is it a guide to programming, artificial intelligence or computer languages. This is a survival story... about surviving all the horrors of a post-modern life: wars, environmental disasters, homelessness and poverty along with how to get your bills paid so that the insurance men won't come after your shoes, so to speak... or maybe they just want dry socks? Who doesn't these days?


What's happening in New York City in the late 21st century?

The wars have wound down and New York still stands, largely undamaged and more crowded than ever before.

Global warming has not abated so the city is hot, soggy and the oceans are rising which means there are a lot of pumps running in all the flooded areas as well as ever taller barriers around the rivers and bays. Just pray that the electricity holds but people can live with those kinds of problems as long as there's some kind of diversion...


Entrada Publishing - Beta Reader Summary Report

"I loved the feel of the story and the pacing. It [New York Stories] is unique and a little quirky, while tackling ideas that are very possible in today’s society.... It reminds me of some of the classic sci-fi novels and things like Timeless or Bladerunner but with more quirkiness..."

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