Yurie Kiri

Few Words From the Author/Publisher:
Yurie Kiri’s novel Moonlight Beach won the 2020 Hollywood Book Festival’s award for Genre Fiction. Moonlight Beach is about four friends who contact the spirit of dead Native American woman and have to fight for their lives against the serial killer who had been chasing her. The second book in the series, where two of the surviving women of Rancho California take a trip to New Mexico, is called Moonlight Canyon. Yurie Kiri’s novel "Moonlight Beach" is packaged in the "Moonlight Duology" with its sequel "Moonlight Canyon". These two books have been described as something like Carlos Castaneda's "The Teachings of Don Juan..." combined with Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" only more intense. "Moonlight Duology" has been selected as the winner in the "Sequels" category for the 2023 Los Angeles Book Festival.
The third book, called Moonlight Rocks is about a battle over a meteorite that may herald the birth of a new Messiah. Besides the Moonlight series, Yurie Kiri has also written a series of books about Japan and virtual reality games; the first book is called Tokyo Games and the second one is called Osaka Games which won the 2022 Beach Book Festival’s award for Genre Fiction.
New York Stories by Yurie Kiri was the winner of the "Unpublished" fiction category in 2022 New England Book Festival. Recently Chick Lit Cafe awarded first place for best
Science Fiction & Post-Apocalyptic Novel - CLC Book Excellence Award Winner!
New York Stories is not a cute travelogue or a guide book to my favorite NYC bars and restaurants nor is it a guide to programming, artificial intelligence or computer languages. This is a survival story... about surviving all the horrors of a post-modern life: wars, environmental disasters, homelessness and poverty along with how to get your bills paid so that the insurance men won't come after your shoes, so to speak... or maybe they just want dry socks? Who doesn't these days?
Yurie Kiri will soon be releasing Advance Review copies (ARCs) of the latest book in the Moonlight Series called "Moonlight Rip Tide"...
Author's Biography
Yurie Kiri is a shy, secretive person who used to live on a boat, sailing between various ports in the Pacific Ocean. Yurie lived on the boat until some crazy mega-yacht got loose and went on a full throttle rampage through the marina squashing everything it could hit. Alas, sailing was one of Yurie's passions, now writing and photography are the main passions in Yurie Kiri’s life along with cats of course like the enhanced, intelligent cats featured in New York Stories...
Yurie Kiri speaks Japanese, English, French and has studied Chinese, Arabic and Spanish as well as a smattering of other languages such as Korean and Russian along with binary and hexadecimal machine language because if you really want to get to know someone you need to speak their language no matter if they’re machine or human. Yurie lived and worked in Asia for decades before coming back to America where Yurie went on an extensive backroad journey all across the US and Canada from the rough Mexican border towns to the town of Yellowknife in Canada’s NWT where you need to cross a frozen lake to get into town in the winter. Yurie also sailed (single-handed) from Mexico to the Canadian border, retracing a well-traveled road journey by sea in a small, live aboard sail boat. Yurie has been traveling and gathering story ideas from Asia for the Game Series which covers Japan and other Asian countries and North America for the Murder and Mystery Series which covers the American Southwest.
However, if you really want to know who Yurie is, please read the books, they are filled with clues - especially the notes to readers that Yurie always uses to introduce the books.