Eric Pope

Few Words From the Author/Publisher:
More than 40 years ago, my wife Karen and I bought The Hardwick Gazette, a weekly newspaper founded in 1889 in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. In the attic of the Gazette building on Main Street where we lived for three years were dusty bound volumes of the newspaper. I referred to these often for my column recounting events in the town’s past.
The most exciting stories came from the years preceding World War I, when Hardwick was the country’s largest producer of finished granite for construction. I have attempted to recapture the excitement of that era in this historical novel. Many of the events portrayed in this novel are taken from The Hardwick Gazette and other primary sources, but they have been altered and rearranged to tell a story.
Author's Biography
Eric Pope is the author of Granite Kingdom, a historical novel set in 1910 in the northern Vermont town where he and his wife Karen ran a weekly newspaper for ten years. Beginning as a sportswriter for The Harvard Crimson, he was a writer and editor for daily and weekly newspapers and magazines before moving into university public relations and publications at Lawrence Technological University outside Detroit. He and Karen live in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. They have three children and five grandchildren.