Ally Brown
Few Words From the Author/Publisher:
I wrote my book not for me, although it was quite cathartic. I wrote it for the person who doubts every decision they make. I wrote it for the person who doubts themselves but trusts everyone else. I wrote it for the person who strives for perfectionism but is never good enough. I wrote it to share a different perspective. I wrote it to hopefully make a difference in someone else's life. I wrote it in the hope that no one else ever has to go through what my friends, my family and I went through.
I am honored to be able to share all of my writings as a reflection of the world around me, of experiences I have and of changes I hope to encourage in a meaningful, relatable and thought-provoking way, so that all can live a passionate and fulfilling life, today, tomorrow and in the generations to come.
Author's Biography
Ally Brown is a Certified Master Coach, but also a survivor. When life knocked her down and stepped on her throat, she found the strength to get up; move forward; and discover who she really was.
Always drawn to the mysteries of the world, Ally loves to explore the complexities and the why's of human behavior. Her debut book, her memoir, Blast Radius: Shrapnel, shards and scars from the lies I lived, has lived in her heart for years. It has been her mission to be able to share her story to inform and empower others about the devastating impact that can occur when you are emotionally blinded by what is going on around you.
Her blog, The Whine Bar offers upself care with a twist. At The Whine Bar, we know life can get hard, as such we are dedicated to making it a bit easier with a jigger of a blog, a double pour of conversation, a splash of humor, a shot of wit, and a dash of bitters at times.
The result . . .
Us, getting through life together, stirred, not shaken.
Sashay on up to the bar to find inspirational quotes, what advice an animal would give you if they could talk and everything in between. We may even share some favorite thirst quenchers, some adventures, and days in the lives of our favorite felines.
In her spare time, I can usually be found
exploring new places, finding ways to get near any body of water, traveling, or trying to talk her husband into taking care of just 1 more cat.
Originally from the Boston area, we now live in North Carolina with our 5 rescue cats, affectionately known as
The Furry Five!
To learn more, or to read some of Ally's work, please visit