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Love's Sweetest Deliverance

Love's Sweetest Deliverance
average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 1 votes, Readers


Flora Reigada


Fiction, Contemporary, Drama, Suspense, Women

Flora Reigada


Book Description

When Liz Bertelli thought her life was over, she discovered a locket that sent her on a new journey. That mystery led her away from her ex-husband Steve, to St. Augustine Florida and Carlos Martin, in the first Castle in the Sun novel.

Rosa, Liz's best friend, and Jack, Carlos' brother, join the couple for a festive holiday feast, spiced just right, shortly after the events of Love's Sweetest Revenge.

An unexpected and disturbing phone call interrupts the Christmas meal. Steve is back and determined to ruin Liz's future plans. Hoping to avoid trouble, Liz and Carlos return to Florida. There, they set their sights on restoring a Victorian home into a classy bed and breakfast.

But, as an approaching hurricane rustling palms and stirring up waves, signals impending danger, Steve's escalating behavior forecasts trouble for everyone.

Will Steve ruin Liz's chance at happiness? Or will Jack and his motorcycle buddies be able to tame the hurricane?

And what is with that acorn?

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The characters came alive to me. This book is filled with romance and suspense. Reading it kept me up far too late.

Posted by
Roberta Perez
Sep 27, 2022
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