Kethric Wilcox
Few Words From the Author/Publisher:
Author's Biography
Kethric Wilcox began writing and publishing as a personal challenge to be creative in a new medium. He was attracted to the LGBT Romance genre after reading several paranormal romances where it seemed like the shape-shifters never faced dangers outside the relationship issues thrown at them by their authors. Thus was born the shifter hunting House of Beauty on the premise of a twisted fairy tale. What if Beauty and the Beast didn't end with happily ever after? Wilcox's Legend of the Silver Hunter trilogy looks at this question and then asks what happens if a member of this family falls in love with a descendant of the Beast, can they find happily ever after, or are they doomed to repeat the tale. Born and raised in Massachusetts, Wilcox now lives and works in Little Rock, Arkansas in a house that he and his partner renovated. By day Wilcox is a graphic artist and exhibit designer and at night an author of paranormal romances.
Wilcox currently has a duology and two new trilogies in progress: Richard St. Martin’s Tale (Lord Hunter and Lord Slayer); Origin of the Vampires (The Curse, The Blade, and The Spell) set in a dystopian future of the Silver Hunter world; and Legacy of the Silver Hunter (The Goldilocks Pledge, Riding Hood’s Revenge, and Black Snow) which continues the story told in the Legend trilogy from the viewpoints of other couples in Kieran and Cory’s lives.
Details about the world of the Silver Hunter can be found on Wilcox's blog at
Follow Wilcox on Twitter at @KethricW
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