Elaine Makas, Ph.D.

Few Words From the Author/Publisher:
Author's Biography
Dr. Makas is excited to debut her first novel! After finally retiring from the world of education she has devoted her time to tell the wonderful, important, and heartwarming story of her dad’s battlefield journey during the Southern Invasion of Germany in 1944 entitled: A YOUNG MAN ON THE FRONT LINE: Lessons of War. Elaine has based her life values on those her dad taught her throughout all the wonderful years together. The two also shared a deep love and respect for history.
She is a strong advocate for education. She spent over 40 years in the educational capacity of a professor of educational leadership at the University of Michigan, public school teacher, administrator, director of instructional services, and teacher professional development. Elaine was a private coach for failing schools in the areas of curriculum and accreditation through her company Curriculum Connections, LLC.
Dr. Makas completed her doctorate in Educational Leadership at Oakland University in 2010. She has a Specialist degree from Saginaw Valley State University in educational leadership, a Master’s from Central Michigan University in school guidance, and a Bachelor’s from Western Michigan University in history. She authored two educational books: From Mandate to Achievement (Corwin, 2010) and Career Pathways: Preparing Students for Life co-authored with Pam Ill (Corwin, 2004).
Elaine is very proud of her four sons, Mark (Rochelle), Benjamin, Jacob, and Samuel, and her three grandchildren, Sarah, Ethan, and Joshua. She enjoys life with Fred and engaging in writing, oil painting, nature, horseback riding, and traveling.